Lydia Long
My friend, Lydia Long, is currently a candidate in the
Republican primary on May 29th to replace Bryans Smith as justice of the peace for Place 1, Precinct 1
(Smith is not seeking re-election.)
She moved to Abilene in 2003 with her husband, Bob Bailey
I met Lydia through our Kiwanis Club and have also worked with her to help raise funds for Camp Barekely
Because her father was serving in the U.S. Army in Germany, Long was born in Nuremburg. She has a long family history of immigration and hard work. Her grandparents, Porfidio Villa Serrano and Maria Guadalupe Saucedo Serrano, moved from Mexico to Dallas, Texas, in the 1920s to become U.S. citizens. Porfidio worked as a landscaper, served in World War II, and was stationed at
Camp Barkeley for which Abilene’s’ dog park is named. Lupe worked as a seamstress for Neiman- Marcus department store.
She and friend Martin Jensen, founded the West Texas Park People and were instrumental in raising over $100,000 for Camp Barkley, Abilene’s park for dogs and their owners.
Have you been to Camp Barkeley?
(it's next to the Abilene Zoo)
It's great!
Lydia graduated from high school in Red Oak, Texas, and, because of her desire to serve others, pursued a degree in Criminal Justice. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Central Missouri State University and a Doctor of Philosophy in Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State University.
Early in her career, Lydia was invited to attend the First International Symposium on the Future of Law Enforcement. The event was by invitation only and hosted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Quantico, Virginia. She has attended and spoke at numerous conferences on a variety of criminal justice issues.
After surgery for thyroid cancer damaged her vocal chords, Lydia retired from teaching Criminal Justice at the University of Houston. Lydia, her husband, and children chose Abilene above any other city in Texas and relocated here. A year of intensive therapy allowed her to begin teaching again. Today four generations of Lydia’s family live in Abilene, and she is eager to share her experience and passion for service with her adopted community.
Since moving to Abilene, she has shown her commitment to community service through serving on the Abilene Planning and Zoning Commission and the Abilene Reporter-News Editorial Board.
She also spearheaded the creation of the Old Town Abilene Neighborhood Association, which produced a recycling center and a neighborhood park.
She currently serves on the board of the Center of Contemporary Arts, volunteers for the International Rescue Committee and is a member of the Taylor County Historic Commission.
Lydia’s passion for the position of the Justice of the Peace involves opportunities to help her fellow citizens be heard. “Justice of the Peace,” she says, is the legal jurisdiction closest to the average citizen.
It is often referred to as "The People's Court" because it is an access point for the average citizen who can bring a case and be heard.”
Lydia would like to step out of the classroom, where she has spent many years teaching, writing and studying about our justice system, and use that experience and education to have a hands-on impact for the people of the community.
What I know and love about Lydia is this:
She loves Jazz music
She loves animals
She is a Republican environmentalist (rare breed)
She is fun
She stands up for what she believes
She is the PERFECT candidate for this position
And she drives a smart car:
So, show your support and get out and vote!
Early Voting May 14- 25th at
Books a Million
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